CTR (Click Through Rate) is a percentage of people who click an after after seeing it. If your CTR is 2.5%, that means that 2.5% of all people who saw your advertisement clicked on it.
Blog Category
Will messaging campaigns also increase my LinkedIn followers?
Absolutely, it will! This is why we often suggest adding LinkedIn Messaging Campaigns as part of a Social Media Strategy, and include it part of Social Media Ads. When you have a messaging campaign running, it is also a great time to re-evaluate your posting content...
How do LinkedIn Messages perform, compared to other forms of advertising?
LinkedIn message ads have an open rate of 38%, where as email marketing has an average open rate of 21.5% In general, LinkedIn is the ideal platform for those marketing to businesses. Messaging campaigns are a great tool in B2B marketing to generate leads.
This just sounds like DMing people. How does iPoint turn this into conversions?
There are multiple different approaches to LinkedIn Messaging Campaigns, so we start by determining which is best for you, and the products/services that you offer. From there, we develop a plan that usually involves a stream of messaging, not just one informative...
When should I choose LinkedIn Messaging, as opposed to other forms of advertising?
We don't really like to think of advertising methods as an either/or type of choice because our most successful clients use a combination of multiple advertising methods. However, LinkedIn messaging campaigns are ideal for businesses who are trying to attract very...