Figuring out different ways to advertise your business can be frustrating. There are so many different options out there and advertising can get expensive. At iPoint, we have Pay per Click campaigns that are made for your business so you aren’t paying for what you...
Blog Category
Marketing Beacons
Millennials and Local Listings Management: 3 Fast Facts
Millennials: the largest, loudest and most tech-savvy generation to date. Every industry is investing considerable marketing dollars in learning as much about America’s 22 – 36 year olds as possible, and it’s no wonder why. Here are three fast facts about the...
5 Reasons Why You Should Choose WordPress
Wix, Weebly, Webvanta, WordPress . . . The list of possible website builders goes on—and makes a great tongue-twister! Search “best web builder” online, and you’ll get a million different opinions from 10 million different sources. With all the industry noise...
Marketing Beacons
New Marketing Technology Marketing Beacons are small, battery-powered devices that can transmit signals to any Android smartphone or tablet within 300 feet. These small—but mighty—gadgets provide a more personalized way for you to let new customers know about special...