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Common Interview Questions and Answers

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Off-Site Backups VS Physical media Storage

In the digital age, data is one of the most valuable assets for any organization. Ensuring the security and integrity of this data is crucial for maintaining business operations, safeguarding sensitive information, and meeting regulatory requirements. One critical component of a comprehensive data protection strategy is off-site backups. In this blog, we will discuss off-site backups, their importance, and give examples of when they are very helpful.

by | Nov 5, 2018 | News & Insights

When job searching, one of the least favorite parts is the interview process. It can be nerve wrecking. We decided to dedicate this week’s blog post on some very common interview questions and tips on how to answer them to help ease your worries. Remember, it’s all about confidence and being prepared. Let’s dive in.

  1. “Tell me about yourself”- This is one of those questions that we hated being asked on the first day of school and we still hate it now. How are we supposed to answer this question? Do we give them an extensive life story? No. this question is just used as an ice breaker and tells the interviewer how the rest of the interview will go. You can use this question to describe past roles and strengths you’ve gained.
  2. “Why are you interested in this position” – This question gives the employers a feel for if you want that specific position with that specific company or if you’re just looking for a paycheck. This is a good place to explain how your strengths match specific job duties or requirements to show you’ve done your research on the company beforehand.
  3. “Tell me about a time you experienced conflict with a co-worker and how you dealt with it” – This is not the time to tell the HR professional about the time your boss overheard you gossiping about another co-worker. This question is used to understand how you handle professional conflict since it is bound to happen in the work-place. Your answer needs to focus on the solution and what you’ve learned from the experience.

Want to learn more about commonly asked questions and get ideas on how to effectively answer them to impress HR professionals? Read this blog post from HubSpot, click here!

We know no one truly liked job searching. But interviewing is a skill that will help you go a long way. Be sure to always be practicing your skills.