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What industries do you serve?
Any and all of them, including industries that require special licensing to operate, such as liquor stores and dispensaries.
Are there any common security risks that you can advise about?
Sure! One of the biggest mistakes we see businesses use are weak passwords. A strong password should be at least 16 characters, and include all of the following: uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters (such as !@#$%^&*()_+-=). It is...
Does your security assessment offer phishing simulations?
As of right now, iPoint does not offer phishing simulations or simulations of other attacks. These are often used to determine if employees know what the best practice is for maintaining security in their environment.
I’m interested in implementing a remote policy for my staff, but I’m not confident that this will be the right move for us. Can you advise?
Rest assured that you are not alone, many business owners feel that same way. Before you sell your office space or terminate your lease, we recommend doing a temporary pilot to trial to the remote office experience. Prior to and during the trial, you should track...
Are there security risks associated with having a remote workplace?
Unfortunately, yes, there are additional risks that one can be exposed to in a remote workplace setting, despite that additional security that VPNs and Encrypted Software Applications provide. These additional risks can be mitigated with proper policies, and...
Now that COVID-19 is no longer considered a serious threat, why should businesses still consider a remote workplace?
Many businesses have decided to continue remote work, or adjust to hybrid systems because it creates opportunities for both employees and businesses to save lots on money on commuting, reduced employee turnover, and even the cost of renting/owning an office space. In...
Is it good enough just to monitor my Firewall?
While we commend anyone's effort to monitor their Firewall, since it is a crucial part of the network, we would advise that this simply isn't enough. Problems can occur anywhere within the network, not just the firewall. Network Monitoring with iPoint allows you to...
How do I know how my network is performing if I don’t use network monitoring?
You will likely learn about this from end-user feedback. In other words, people who use the technology in your network will likely complain about it if its not working as it is supposed to. There are other tools you can use to assess your network's current...
What is network performance?
This is a series of metrics that measure how well and efficiently your network is functioning. A network that is performing well is going to be fast both locally, and when using device applications, it should have minimal packet loss, and be able to transmit data...
What emergencies does Remote Backup prevent?
Remote Backup prevents any sort of emergency that could be related to data loss. This includes both malicious attackers online, as well as natural disasters, hard drive crashes and more.
What should I backup?
In general, we recommend that you backup the files you create, edit, and access. Typically, these are stored in your User directory or Home folder. The backup app isn’t designed to back up system and application files.